Wednesday, June 21, 2006

ROOMING IN!!!!!!!!!!

Well, we got the results from the PCG (pneumocardiogram study).  She's not having any problems.  No apnea, no reflux, low percentage of periodic breathing.  The pulmonologist had no reccomendations.  The pediatrician said she wants her to be nippling her feedings better, but this was the first time the pedi saw her b/c she just got back from maternity leave.  The nurse practitioner I talked to has seen Meghan several times a week and thinks she is doing great.  She said she has one or two feedings a day when she is too tired to eat the full amount, but that most of her feedings she takes just fine.  She's also been taking them in less time than she used to and with less "episodes".  Plus once she comes home if she is too sleepy for a feeding we can try again in an hour, we don't have to keep her to the 3 hour schedule.  I mentioned that to the nurse practitioner and she agreed with me.  So she asked if the carseat study had been done yet and I said no, so she said to bring the carseat and plan to room in with Meghan TOMRROW and bring her home on FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's as long as nothing with Meghan changes but that's the plan for now.  Woooohoooo!!!!!  So we'll spend the night with her tomorrow at the hospital, with the monitors, and then she'll come home the next day.  Scott's not thrilled about rooming in b/c he has issues with hospitals, but I talked him into it b/c I want to make sure we can handle her since she's not a "normal" baby. 


Anonymous said...

Jennifer, I'm so happy to hear this good news about Meghan!  This is just super news.  We'll be checking back to see that everything goes well tomorrow night in the hospital...and let us know how DH does!  LOL

Anonymous said...

Jen that's GREAT news!! I'll keep my fingers crossed that nothing goes wrong to mess it up. I'm so excited for you!! =)

Anonymous said...

Awesome Jen!  I'll keep praying for all of you!

Anonymous said...

This is the news you've been waiting for! Congratulations on being able to bring Meghan home! Sue